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Brescia. The Renaissance in Northern Italy

Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie – Warsaw – Poland
2 June – 28 August 2016

Travelling artworks

The list of travelling artworks.

The exhibition “Brescia. The Renaissance in Northern Italy” set to open in June at the National Museum in Warsaw brings together nearly 50 paintings by masters of the Northern Italian Renaissance: works on loan from the Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo in Brescia, from the Accademia Carrara in Bergamo and from Italian private collections alongside a number of canvases by masters of the Lombard/Venetian cinquecento from Polish collections. A standout work serving as both a complement to the other pieces and a key part of the exhibition in its own right is Raphael’s (1483-1520) Christ Blessing. Raphael, the youngest member of the Italian Renaissance “big three” consisting of himself, Leonardo and Michelangelo, was considered a “divine” painter, .…. continue on attachment of Fondazione Brescia Musei.

While the difference between the theatre and the museum is an obvious one, it does not mean that theatrical thinking has no place in exhibition work. Viewers can be led along in a way that seems natural to them by creating a space conducive to that. Walls can be pulled in or pushed back, obstacles (to be circumvented) can be placed and light can be used with varying intensity. It is certainly possible to create a desired mood by shaping the environment around us and it may even be possible to transcend into the dimension of the sacrum. Works of art in a museum collection are…. continue on attachment of Fondazione Brescia Musei.

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